Leadership - Be the Idiot

JJ Bussert | 09/11/2024

Be the Idiot: Why Leaders Shouldn't Be Afraid to Ask Questions

In a YouTube short titled "Be the Idiot," Simon Sinek shares a simple yet powerful piece of advice: don't be afraid to ask questions. This resonates with me because, as someone who's often in a leadership role on development projects, I'm often expected to be the "expert". But let's face it-no one can know everything, especially in the constantly evolving world of technology.

As Master Yoda once wisely said, "Much to learn, you still have." Even the greatest Jedi can't know everything, and asking questions is part of the journey toward mastery. No shame in asking a few clarifying questions along the way, even if it makes you feel a bit like a youngling.

Asking Questions Doesn't Make You Less of a Leader

I've been in consulting for a long time, and it's given me the opportunity to work across many industries, technologies, and client types. Each one comes with its own unique challenges and learning curves. Whether it's a new industry regulation, an unfamiliar tech stack, or a unique integration challenge, asking questions is not only important-it's critical.

As a leader, I've found that some people fear asking questions because they believe it undermines their authority. I couldn't disagree more. In fact, asking clarifying questions often fosters a stronger connection with your team and clients. It shows you're engaged, focused on understanding the problem, and ready to collaborate for the best solution.

Or as Obi-Wan Kenobi might say, "Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?" Not asking questions could make you the second fool. So go ahead-be the first fool and ask that question.

Not only that-if you have a question, chances are someone else also has the same question but might be afraid to bring it up. By being comfortable enough to ask what seems like a dumb question, you might encourage others to ask great clarifying questions that you hadn't even considered. This can open the door to deeper insights and better solutions for everyone.

The Consulting World is Always Changing

One of the reasons I've never hesitated to ask questions is that in consulting, you're never working in a bubble. Industries shift, technology evolves, and there's always something new to learn. Over the years, I've dealt with countless combinations of industries and technologies. The only constant is change, and no matter how much experience you have, keeping up with it all is impossible without being open to learning and admitting when you don't know something.

In fact, the faster you can ask a question, the faster you get to the right solution. It might seem obvious, but so many people are hesitant to admit they don't have all the answers.

Conclusion: Being the Expert Means Being Curious

If there's one takeaway from the "Be the Idiot" mindset, it's this: expertise isn't just about what you know-it's about your willingness to keep learning. As the Chinese proverb goes, "A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life." Don't let the fear of appearing like an "idiot" stop you from doing your best work. After all, the smartest people are often the ones who ask the most questions.

What do you think?

  • Have you ever been in a situation where asking a "dumb" question led to a breakthrough?
  • As a leader or team member, how do you encourage a culture of curiosity and learning on your projects?
  • What's one question you've been hesitant to ask in a professional setting?

Drop your thoughts in the comments below-I'd love to hear about your experiences and how you handle these moments of uncertainty!